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Q: The water cycle is driven by energy from the sun and what?
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What is the the water cycle driven by?

Mainly by solar energy and gravity. 2. By the energy from the sun.

What does energy that powers the water cycle comes from?

The energy that drives the water cycle is from the Sun.

What supplies the energy in water cycle?

The sun. The sun's energy comes in the form of heat. This begins the cycle with evaporation.

Does thermal energy drive the water cycle?

Yes, the water cycle is driven by the energy in the Sun's rays, which evaporates water from the surface of the ocean. The water is carried up as vapour and eventually forms clouds and produces rain.

How do the different parts of the water cycle fit togehter?

They are all driven by energy, mainly form the Sun but also to some extent geothermal energy.

Where is sun energy at on the water cycle illustration?

Sun energy is used to evaporate water. This is the initial step of water cycle.

What is vapour?

a pure gas of oxygen and hydrogen The water cycle is driven by the Sun's energy. When water evaporates, it turns into the invisible gas called water vapour.

What is the major source of energy that powers the movement of water throughout the environment?

The main source of energy in the water cycle is the sun/Solar radiation (sunlight).the source of energy that drives the water cycle is the sun because since the sun's heat makes the water evaporate which will led to the whole process of the water cycle and the process will keep on repeating.The water cycle or hydrologic cycle is driven by both short wave radiation from the sun, and long wave (infrared) radiation from the earth.

What is the source of energy that the water cycle?

The sun is the source of energy that creates the water cycle.

How does the energy from the sun affect earth's water cycle?

Energy from sun supports evaporation. It is 1st step of water cycle.

Does the sun or ocean supply the energy to the water Cycle?

Sun supplies energy. It initiates the first step of water cycle.

What powers the entire water cycle?

The sun.