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through the water cycle

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Q: The water on planet earth recycles all the time-how would you explain that?
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What does it mean that the water on planet earth recycles all the time?

Sun will evaporate it.........

The water on planet earth recycles all the time explain this statement?

Water on Earth goes through a continuous process of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation known as the water cycle. This cycle moves water from the Earth's surface to the atmosphere and back again, allowing water to be constantly recycled and reused across the planet.

What is it that the earth is called a blue planet and what consists then explain?

Because the earth is covered with 75% water and the only known planet with water.

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What factors contribute in maintaining Earth as a temperate planet?

explain to meidk

Why was explain giotharmal planet?

Geothermal energy is defined as heat from the Earth.

What do you call the way the earth constantly recycles rocks?

im by my self

The principle natural way the earth recycles solid waste is known as?


What recycles earths wastes?

The Earth gets recycles its own waste. Through decomposition the organic materials made by the Earth are recycled back into the Earth to be used by other things that need them. Such as trees and leaves being used as fertilizer for other trees and shrubbery.

How does earths biosphere recycles materials?

nutrient cycling

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Heat waves

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