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Q: The water underneath the floating object exerts a push or force called?
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The net upward force that a liquid exerts on a submerged object is?

The upward force exerted by a liquid on a submerged object (or even on a floating object) is called buoyancy.

What is it called when one object exerts force on another object?

What will change is the momentum.

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What is Floating object on Microsoft Word 2007?

A floating object is an object that is floating, which is a floating object. Which = floating object.

What is any object with a mass that exerts a force on any other object with mass is called?

gravitational mass

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the process in using the arrow keys to move and object in small precise increments

What exerts gravity?

The object that exerts gravity is an object with mass.

How is the buoyant force on a floating object related to weight of water it displaces?

if the water is heavier than the item inside it, then the water sinks to underneath the object. if the object is heavier then the object will sink under the water.

What is state of law of action and reaction?

When something exerts a force on an object, that object exerts an equal and opposite force on the other object.

Earth exerts a force on an object equal to the object's weight. the object exerts a force on Earth?

Of exactly the same magnitude but in the opposite direction.

What is the meaning of action-reaction?

It means that if one object exerts a force on another object, the other objects exerts a force back on the first object.

What gravitational force exerts on an object?

Gravitational force exerts an attraction on objects.