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Demos (people) and Kratia (rule, or power)

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13y ago

dêmos "people" and kratos "power"

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Q: The word democracy comes from two Greek words meaning?
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What term comes from Two Greek words meaning people rule?


What definition of democracy do you get when put the words demos and kratos together?

The word "democracy" comes from the Greek words "demos" meaning "people" and "kratos" meaning "power" or "rule." Therefore, democracy can be defined as "rule by the people" or "government by the people."

In which country did democracy begin?

Greek.The beginnings of democracy can be credited to the Greeks of the sixth century BC. The word comes from two Greek words: demos, meaning "the people," and kratein, meaning "to rule." These two words are joined together to form democracy, literally meaning "rule by the people" (Pious).

Microscope comes from two Greek words what are them?

The word "microscope" comes from the Greek words "mikros" meaning small and "skopein" meaning to look at or examine.

What was the cradle of democracy?

Let us first define democracy!Democracy comes from the Greek words:Demos meaning "people"Kratia meaning "rule"Therefore, democracy means "people rule" or in other words people have the right to criticize the government and express their views freely.

Democracy comes from what two words?

Demos, greek - the people cracy.. probably also from greek - ruling

Words with the Greek root crac?

One example is the word "democracy," which comes from the Greek roots "demos," meaning "people," and "kratos," meaning "power." Another example is the word "aristocracy," which is derived from "aristos," meaning "best," and "kratos," referring to "power" or "rule."

Where can the roots of the word democracy be traced?

The roots of the word "democracy" can be traced back to ancient Greece. It comes from the Greek words "demos," meaning "people," and "kratos," meaning "power" or "rule," and refers to a system of government where power is held by the people.

The Greek words demos and kratia taken together mean?

demokratia, meaning democracy

Who was invovled in Ancient Greece in the government called Democracy?

The adult male citizens. Democracy comes from the Greek words for People Power.

What can the root of the word democracy be traced to?

Democracy comes from two Greek words demos which means "people" and cratein which means "to rule"

What can the roots of the word democracy be traced to?

Democracy comes from two Greek words demos which means "people" and cratein which means "to rule"