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Q: Their name comes from the Latin for gnawing teeth and they are characterized by two continuously growing incisors in the upper and lower jaws which they have to keep short by gnawing What are they?
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Related questions

Are hedgehog rodents?

No - rodents are "characterised by two continuously growing incisors in the upper and lower jaws which must be kept short by gnawing"- which hedgehogs don't have.

What is a small animal with big teeth?

The rodent superfamily Muroidea contains over 1300 species of small rodent, all of which have continuously growing incisors in the upper and lower jaws which must be kept short by gnawing.

What types of teeth do rats have?

Rats have only 16 teeth which are four incisors and 12 molars. The incisors are used for gnawing and they don't stop growing. The molars are used for grinding their food.

What mammals has continuously growing teeth?

Rodents and lagomorphs both have continuously growing incisors. Lagomorphs and herbivorous rodents also have continuously growing molars. The tusks of many mammals, such as elephants, wild boars, and walruses, also grow continuously.

What makes the beaver a rodent?

Rodent is from the Latin rodenta - to gnaw. As with all rodents beavers have a pair of large and continuously growing incisors in both their upper and lower jaw.

What is a large rodent?

A rodent is an animal with two sharp, constantly growing incisors. These teeth are kept short by gnawing. Rodents include rats, mice, hamsters and gerbils. They are mostly very small, although the biggest rodent is the capybara, which can grow to up to 4.3 feet. Canine ancestors may be a rodent or rodent related.

Why is your hamster gnawing?

It's natural and necessary as there front teeth don't stop growing, gnawing keeps them trim.

Are lemurs rodents?

NO lemurs are not rodents; they are PRIMATES. The Aye-aye, a type of lemur, is like a rodent in that it lacks canine teeth and has continuously growing incisors (teeth) that wear down by chewing.

What teeth keep growing throughout the life in a mammal?

Rodents incisors and rabbits

Why don't beavers incisors wear out?

they never stop growing-like a rat's

Are human incisors more like a wolves or a rabbit?

They are more like a wolfs as like our teeth they will eventually stop growing and sort of look like ours only obviously a lot bigger. A rabbits incisors will continuously grow throughout there lives and are a lot thinner and smaller than a humans and the also have a curve in them Where as wolf and human incisors are straight. Left to right, Human skull, wolf skull and rabbit skull.

What words start with the letter g and ends with the letter g?

To list a few: Gang. Growing. Gnawing. Going. Grouping.