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These birds are Mourning doves, not "morning". They are called so due to the sad sound of the perch coo made by the males. The females also have a similar coo but it's much more subdued and reserved for mates so one generally has to be quite close to hear it. The perch coo is used by the male to establish territory, warn other males away from territory, as well as to attract a mate to a bachelor male. Display flights are part of attracting females. I don't have seven M. doves sitting on my fence, so you must be referring to yourself. This doesn't have any major significance. They may have come to feed at the same location. They tend to "monkey see, monkey do." Also, between breeding seasons, both mated and unmated doves will temporarily form flocks (also called cotes, doles, flights, dules, and bevies) so this may have been what you saw. These flocks are usually small, from 5-20, or so, but can range in the hundreds particularly for those doves who migrate during winter months. But because you didn't state the region/country/state and month, I can't be certain this is a factor. This is not "Fluffkat" answering, I deleted that previous answer because it was entirely wrong and reflected a total lack of knowledge about Mourning doves.

This site should not call itself "The Most Trusted Place for Answering Life's Questions." I see far too many bad answers like the one I deleted.

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Q: There are 7 morning doves sitting on your fence. What does this mean?
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Absolutely nothing! Don't believe all this hogwash about symbolism and special meaning. There is no reason to think that doves sitting near your house means anything.

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