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just divide 1,160 by by 4 and you get ur answer 290

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Q: There are two factories in the town of lemming Factory a has 4 times as many workers as factory b Factory a has 1160 workers how many workers does factory b have?
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What did the workers do in the factories?

Make things. Depends on what the factory makes.

What complaintments did factory workers have in the 1800?

the answer is that they had light bulbs to light the factories and workers working on the items

Make sentence with factory?

My friend works in a factory. A factory is a building where workers manufacture goods. I live across the street from a large factory. Factories can be harmful to the environment when they release greenhouse gases.

Condition lives of workers in factory in 1907s?

Condition lives of workers in factories in 1907's was horrible.

What were the dangers for workers in the factories?

There was a legislation limiting the number's of the factory workers in the nineteenth century. This hurt then as they were growing in nos.

Why did people wanted to improve factory condittions in 1900?

Because the conditions in the factories were poor and unstandable for the workers

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What danger did factory workers face?

Factory workers had to face the huge dumps other workers made, since there was no bathrooms located in the the factories. So it often smelled pretty bad. Workers hated the awful smell, they went on "Duty strike" around 1875.

What does go into a chocolate factory?

Factory workers

Why were early factory towns unhealthy?

Early factory towns were unhealthy,because conditions in factories were usually unsafe due to the lack of regulation on equipment or the factories themselves.There was no labor laws to protect young workers from getting injured on the job.

What was the dominant form of industrial organization by the end of the nineteenth century?

The factory system, as much of the lower-middle class were employed as factory workers, the factory system was a major source of income from the imports and exports of factory-made products that said factory workers produced. Many large factories had small towns built along with them, enabling for workers to live and work full-time paying for their rent and food. The oil and steel industries... and the American Federation of Labor.

What laws were passed in order to stop factory workers from building factories in the sections of the city where people lived?

Zoning laws