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Spy vs Spy does have Aspergers or High Functioning Autism.

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Q: There is any spies have Autism?
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Do any WWE wrestlers have the virus autism?

Autism is NOT a virus, it's a neurone disorder. No, no WWE wrestlers have Autism.

Is there any female patron saint of spies?

There are no female or male patron saints of spies.

Can you get autism in any other ways?

You cannot 'get' autism, you are born Autistic. Autism is a neurological difference so you're Autistic from the time your brain develops in the second trimester. Autism is a result of genetic factors.

Are there any 13 year old spies?

No. There are spy movies but there aren't actual 13 year old spies.

Can someone with autism get a gun?

If there's any record of it, no.

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Is throwing things across the room a sign of autism?

No, throwing things is not part of autism - autism is a neurological difference, there is nothing about autism that would cause throwing things. Of course Autistic people may throw things for any number of reasons, it's just that autism isn't the cause of this.

Are there any online tutoring services targeting kids with autism?

You can go to They offer services specializing in the tutoring of kids with autism.

Is autism a curse?

No, autism is not a curse any more than any other normal human variation is a curse.Would you say that being black is a curse or being born a woman is a curse?If not then don't imply being Autistic is a curse by referring to autism as a curse.

Is there any record of someone with autism giving birth to a child with autism?

Yes, there are known situations of persons with autism having children with autism. There is a genetic component to autism. Some people with autism get married and have children. Some of those children have autism, but some do not. Autism varies in its severity, so other people might not recognize that a person has autism. Sometimes a parent with autism or Asperger's Syndrome is not diagnosed until after having a child with a more severe case that is diagnosed.

Why is autism more likely in a smoking pregnancy?

Autism isn't more likely in a smoking pregnancy. Autism is a neurological difference, just like with any other biological variation it comes down to genetics.

Do any of the manning brothers have a child with autism?

yes two