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You should soak it off with a warm water & epsom salt solution

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Q: There is dry scabes on the open wound of the horse can i cut it off?
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How does infection begins?

If you get a cut or a open wound, you can get dirt in there.

Signs of a open chest wound?

Umm, well if it was an open chest wound..there would be an obvious HOLE/CUT in your chest. you would be able to see it.

What is open wounds?

A open wound is a cut or scratch or any kind of cut. When it is new or still there not covered by a scab. While its open it can get many germs or it can get infected.

What if a horse hurts itself what would they do at the vets?

It all depends on what the wound is and how severe it is, or, if it's a cut, how deep it is.

What is an open wound with clean straight edges?

It is a wound that is most probably cut cleanly not jarred on the edges. This is a good wound to stitch up, does not leave too much scar.

Cut is open and bleeding What should you do first?

Put direct pressure on the wound until bleeding slows. If possiable closes the wound tight as you can and hold there with tape.

What do you do if your horse has a big cut what do you do if your horse has a big cut?

Firstly, DON'T PANIC!!! If you feel frightened or nervous, your horse will pick up on your feelings and will become unsettled. So just take a deep breath and stay calm. Step 1: Check wound thoroughly Step 2: Wrap the wound with a clean bandage Step 3: Phone the vet, but keep an eye on your horse incase of signs of restlessness.

Why does your finger bleed when it get cut?

Because theres obviously blood under the skin and when there is an open wound the blood flows out.

What is the type of wound that has tearing of the skin?

A laceration is a type of wound that involves tearing of the skin, often caused by a sharp object or trauma. It typically has jagged edges and may bleed more than a clean cut. Lacerations may require medical attention to clean and close the wound to promote proper healing.

Why does having a wound make a client vulnerable to infection?

An open wound, when the skin is torn, cut or punctured, is likely to cause infection, as the skin is the outer covering of the body and among its functions it protects you against germs. A torn or cut skin will not work properly.

What does the phrase ''rub salt in an open wound'' mean?

To make an injury or insult worse, like how salt hurts open wounds. Have you ever cut your anything and walked into the ocean?

What do you do when you cut your toe open on a sprinkler?

1st you want to put peroxide on the wound 2nd put Neosporin and a bandied and woo-la fixed