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Q: Theres no risk for being pulled over for DUI after too many of these but you might be a bit hyper?
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Do fruit shoots make you hyper?

Yes, it's countians sugar, but it's depends how you control yourself! Adults won't get hyper, children might

What happen if a girl drinks soda?

the same thing in a boy drinks soda, might get hyper and might have gas

What does it mean if your hamster is hyper?

It might mean that your hamster is active. So if a person says that then that's what might have meant

Can a tooth with a hole in it be pulled or does it have to be surgically removed?

It depends on how strong the tooth is. If it's decayed to the point of being weak and fragile, it might be best to surgically remove it.

How do you get hyper?

It depends but usually some people get hyper by eating or drinking things with a lot of sugar. Other people might get hyper when "awesome" things happen no! not sugar or anything kids act like they are witch anoys me. the only way your hyper is when your exited or you have ADHD witch mean Attion Defict Hyperactivtiy Disorder whe your really hyper! i have it too!

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What would happen if their is no gravity?

If there was no gravity your eyes might have the chance of your being pulled out of your head if not the proper gear is with you also would be lifted from the ground because you will not have the gravity to hold you down

Why are some people so hyper all the time and get on your nerves?

Each person has their own personality. Some might be hyper, others not. Caffeine can add to this too. Hyper people are generally liked by optimists like them, but if you're tired or feeling depressed, hyperactivity can be quite irritating.

What are the odds of being attacked by an African lion?

If your in africa theres a lot of chance! And you will most likly die if you get attacked by awesomeness and hotness

Is hyper beam bad?

Well that depends on what type of pokemon you have, what move you want to replace it with. Also, if your being attacked with it, it USUALLY isn't the best thing. I haven't played Pokemon in a few years, so this might not be your best answer.

Alice Cullen may not by hyper but some people might think she is right?

Alice Cullen is a character in the Twilight series known for her bubbly personality and energetic nature. While she may not be hyper in the traditional sense, her enthusiasm and vivacity might be perceived as such by some individuals. Perception of hyperactivity can vary depending on the individual and their interpretation of behavior.

Is there a Warrior game that lets you be a cat and live the Warrior life?

there might be. Erin Hunter herself said if theres a movie,theres a video game.