

Best Answer

i think it is a giraffe i think it is a giraffe

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Q: These animal mothers give birth standing up?
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What animal's mothers give birth standing up?

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These animals mothers give birth standing up? These animals mothers give birth standing up?

Why do cows give birth standing up?

Why not? Cows give birth any way they feel comfortable, standing or laying.

Do sheep give birth to young alive?

Being Mammals, sheep give birth to live young, not eggs. A baby Lamb will come out feet and head first, and almost immediately start calling for their mothers. Within an hour they will be standing and walking around.

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mothers are important because they give birth and devolp the population of the nations

Do cows give birth standing up?

In a normal birth , yes.

Do cows give birth lying down?

Yes. They will give birth standing up as well.

How do Giraffe give birth?

In the same way as that of any mammal.

Do cows always give birth standing up?

No. A lot of cows will give birth laying out on their sides.

How do giraffes reproduct?

they give birth standing up

When Is Mating Season For Blue Whales?

winter, and then the mothers leave to go to warmer waters and give birth in the summer winter, and then the mothers leave to go to warmer waters and give birth in the summer

Do polar bears hatch?

No. Since they are mammals, their mothers give birth to them.