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We need more information to answer your question fully, however a red blood cell does have a life span around 100-120 days. But there are millions of organisms that might also have a 120 day life span.

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Q: These have a lifespan of 120 days?
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Related questions

What is the average lifespan of erythrocyte?

100 - 120 days

What is the lifespan of a red blood cell?

120 days

What is the average lifespan of a red blood cell?

The typical life span of a healthy red blood cell is approximately 120 days.

What is the average lifespan of a red blood cell in the human body?

120 days.

What is average lifespan of a red blood cell?

100-120 days (4 months)

Do platelets have a life span of 120 days?

platelets have a life span of 8 to 10 days normally in body. In transfused blood the life span is 2-3 days Platelets have a life span for about 5 to 10 days. And it is the Red Blood Cell that has a lifespan for 120 days

How does anucleate red blood cell make its proteins and enzymes?

It can't. As a result the lifespan of a RBC is about 120 days before it is worn out and phagocytized.

When can you repeat hemoglobin determination after transfusion?

if your aim is to get a result based on the capability of the body to sustain its own blood supply it would be after 120 days the lifespan of a red blood cell is 120 days, so after 120 days all the donor blood will be gone and all the hemoglobine that has been measured will have to have been produce by the patient in question.

How many weeks and days are there in 120 weeks?

There are 120 weeks in 120 weeks and there are 840 days in 120 weeks.There are 120 weeks in 120 weeks and there are 840 days in 120 weeks.There are 120 weeks in 120 weeks and there are 840 days in 120 weeks.There are 120 weeks in 120 weeks and there are 840 days in 120 weeks.There are 120 weeks in 120 weeks and there are 840 days in 120 weeks.There are 120 weeks in 120 weeks and there are 840 days in 120 weeks.There are 120 weeks in 120 weeks and there are 840 days in 120 weeks.There are 120 weeks in 120 weeks and there are 840 days in 120 weeks.There are 120 weeks in 120 weeks and there are 840 days in 120 weeks.There are 120 weeks in 120 weeks and there are 840 days in 120 weeks.There are 120 weeks in 120 weeks and there are 840 days in 120 weeks.

What is the average life span of the red blood cells?

The average lifespan of a RBC is about 120 days. After is is "dead" is is removed by the spleen in 3 stages. The iron is removed from hemoglobin resulting in the molecule bilirumin. Bilirubin bi-products are removed and transported to either the small intestine or removed by the kidneys and excreted in urine.

WHAT cell that has a 120 day lifespan?

Reb Blood Cells

How long do erythrocytes normally stay in circulation?

A total of about 120 days