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Q: These use light energy from the sun to produce food?
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What kind of energy does the sun produce?

The sun produce light and nuclear energy

Which type of energy is harnessed by chloroplasts in plants to produce food?

Light energy, of which mostly comes from the sun - thereby solar energy.

Where do plants get the energy to produce food?

The Sun.

What is the energy source that helps plants make food?

Plants use sunlight as an energy source to make food through a process called photosynthesis. This process involves converting sunlight into chemical energy through the absorption of light by chlorophyll in the plant's cells.

Can use light energy of the Sun to produce their own food?

That's called a Producer. They begin each food chain if you do not count the sun. Plants are a prime example of this.

How do algae get its food?

Algae use energy from the sun to produce their own food.

What produce the sun?

the sun produces light ,heat ,energy,and so much more

How do some producers and consumers each rely light from the sun?

The majority of producers (eg green plants) rely on the sun's energy to produce food. Primary consumers eat plants so in an indirect way the consumers are also relying on the sun's energy for their food

Is a plant Autotrophs?

Yes, an autotroph is an organism that produces its own food using light energy. Plants take sun energy to produce sugar, making it an autotroph.

What form of energy does the sun produce?

The sun primarily produces energy through nuclear fusion in its core. This process involves the fusion of hydrogen atoms to form helium, releasing a vast amount of energy in the form of light and heat.

Primary producers use what from the sun to produce energy?

Primary producers use the light and energy from the sun to produce energy. The primary producers sit on top of the trophic level and are mainly plants and algae.

What energy do plants use to produce their food?

Plants use sunlight to produce their food through the process of photosynthesis. Light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll in plant cells, which is then converted into chemical energy in the form of glucose.