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I think that it means that you can go somewhere expecting one thing and then when you go to that place and see what is happening you end up getting your mind changed by what you end up seeing.

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In high school, I was always skeptical of group work because I thought it would lead to inequality in contributions. However, during a science project, I was placed in a group with diverse skills and backgrounds. Through collaboration, I learned the value of teamwork and saw how everyone's strengths could contribute to a successful outcome. This experience challenged my preconceived notions and allowed me to appreciate the power of collective effort.

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Q: Think about an experience you had in school that changed previously held beliefs In an essay explain why this learning experience had special meaning to you?
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How can rote learning be changed?

Rote learning can be changed by incorporating more active learning techniques such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and real-world applications. Encouraging students to engage with the material through discussions, projects, and hands-on activities can help deepen their understanding and retention of the information. Providing opportunities for creativity, collaboration, and independent thinking can also help shift the focus away from memorization towards meaningful learning.

What is correct about attitudes A Positive attitudes can help us learn quicker B Negative attitudes can't be changed C There's one fundamental way of acquiring attitudes D Attitudes can't be learned?

A. Positive attitudes can indeed help us learn quicker by promoting motivation, perseverance, and focus. B. Negative attitudes can definitely be changed through self-reflection, cognitive restructuring, and seeking support. C. There are multiple ways of acquiring attitudes, such as social learning, personal experiences, and cultural influences. D. Attitudes can be learned and unlearned based on our experiences, beliefs, and interactions with others.

What did Maria Montessori feel that needed to be changed?

Maria Montessori believed that traditional education methods needed to be changed to better align with the natural development of children. She advocated for more child-directed learning, hands-on materials, and a focus on individualized instruction to support children's growth and development.

Contribution of Abraham maslow on curriculum design?

Abraham Maslow's contribution to curriculum design emphasized the importance of meeting students' psychological and developmental needs in order to enhance their learning experience. He advocated for a student-centered approach that focuses on holistic development and self-actualization, leading to the creation of more personalized and engaging curricula that take into account individual differences and motivations. Maslow's hierarchy of needs also influenced the design of curricula that aim to address students' basic needs first before moving on to higher-order learning objectives.

How schools have changed since 1950s?

Schools have undergone significant changes since the 1950s, including advancements in technology, increased diversity among students and teachers, evolving teaching methods, a focus on individualized learning, and the integration of more comprehensive subjects like STEM education and social-emotional learning. Additionally, there have been shifts in school structure and policies, such as increased emphasis on standardized testing, the implementation of stricter safety measures, and the rise of alternative education options like charter schools and online learning.

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Because Jews themselves have changed.

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Why did the Egyptian gods evolve?

The beliefs and faiths of the Egyptian people changed over centuries and thus the Egyptian gods "evolved" or changed with those beliefs.

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Roman religion was influenced by Greek religion, Etruscan religion, and other native Italian beliefs. The Romans adopted and adapted many Greek gods and their myths into their own pantheon, while also incorporating elements from neighboring cultures.

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Hindu Faith has changed by accepting some of Buddhism beliefs.

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Why learning about puberty has changed you?

it doesn't really change you but you can its possible

How can rote learning be changed?

Rote learning can be changed by incorporating more active learning techniques such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and real-world applications. Encouraging students to engage with the material through discussions, projects, and hands-on activities can help deepen their understanding and retention of the information. Providing opportunities for creativity, collaboration, and independent thinking can also help shift the focus away from memorization towards meaningful learning.

What is a living civilization?

The basic beliefs and practices of the people have not changed over the years. :)

How did the economic role of women changed during the civil war?

Women changed because woman began to enter into professions previously dominated by men.

What are things in science that cant be changed?

I don't think there is any beliefs of science that can't be changed, but we typically treat the scientific laws as certain.