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Q: This animal has a coat of prickly spines n it spends all day sleeping n feed at night?
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What type of caterpillar is lime green and has short prickly spines on its body?

green prickly caterpillar

Do pandas have spines?

If you mean spinal columns, yes pandas have them. If you mean prickly spines, such as the porcupine or hedgehogs have, the answer is no.

How healthy is a cactus to eat?

It depends on which cactus is being eaten. Some are poisonous while others are beneficial and highly nutritious. Prickly pear pads are a winner as long as you get the right type. I have read online that there is a poisonous strain of prickly pear that has an orange coloring in its spines. Some prickly pear has been selectively reproduced to eliminate the spines and it is used as a human and animal food staple in desert areas, such as Mexico.

What could the Prickly Pear cactus do if you stuck your finger into it?

If you stuck your finger into a prickly pear cactus, you could get stuck with one of the spines. You could also possibly be bitten by a spider who likes to make their webs in the prickly pear.

How does a prickly pear defend itself from prey?

Prickly pear cactus can reproduce by seed, root division and by cuttings from the paddles being individually rooted.

When a hedgehog is in danger what does it do?

It curls up in a ball, protecting its face and front which are vital parts. Curling into a ball also causes the prickly spines to protrude more. These spines act as a defense.

Why do hedgehogs have spines?

They're vertebrates, they're born that way. An animal looking like that and living like that has to have some sort of supporting structure, and for the hedgehog it's a spine. Or maybe you're thinking of the things that make them prickly, not the backbone. There are plenty of animals out there who would make themselves a meal of a fairly slow and harmless animal as a hedgehog, so the spines developed as a defence. If threatened the hedgehog curls up into a prickly ball, and anyone trying to bite or claw it end up getting hurt. THe hedgehog ended up taking that route instad of developing an ability to run, hide or bite back.

What animal lives in a desert but has spines?

Hedgehogs live in parts of the Sahara and have spines.

What does the french word herrison mean?

Basically it means "hedgehog", an animal that is covered with prickly spines, but by association it can also mean a "prickly natured" person, or someone with spiky hair. There were also sea defenses against invasion by landing-craft called "hedgehogs" made of sharp-pointed sticking-out angle-iron welded together.

Which british animal is covered with spines?


What animal with spines lays eggs?

The echidna is an animal which lays eggs. The echidna is covered in spines. Like platypuses, echidnas are monotremes, or egg-laying mammals.

What are the physical characteristics of blessed thistle?

Hairy stems with dark green, narrow leaves toothed on the margins, bearing a prickly spine, grows to 2 feet. Pale yellow flower heads blooming at the top of the stem, covered with prickly spines.