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Checks and Balances

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Q: This balance of powers is maintained through a system of?
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How is homeostasis maintained in the digestive system?

Homoeostasis in the digestive system is maintained in a very unique manner. There are enzymes that are produced by the pancreas and the digestive tract so as to maintain the balance needed.

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The water balance in the body is maintained by many different processes. The endocrine system, which is ruled by the hypothalamus, is the main water balancing mechanism in the body. The gastrointestinal system helps by reabsorbing water in the colon. Then there methods by which excess water is released other than the urinary system through crying and sweating or using it for bodily processes

What ensures that each branch of government can keep an eye on the others so no branch becomes to powerful?

It is called the Checks and Balances system.

How does the the earth system maintain its delicate balance?

through cycles

What is balance of powers?

a system that prevents any one country from dominating the others according to my American Journey Book

How do the branches of government balance the government?

It's through a system of checks and balances. No one branch (Executive, Judicial, and Legislative) can have too much power this way, and each decision has to be passed through each branch in order to be put into action.

How do checks and balances reinforce the separation of powers?

Separation of powers affects the US government by establishing a clear guideline as to which branch of government possesses specific powers. The checks and balances system affects the US government by ensuring that each branch of government is held accountable for their responsibilities to the people.

What was constitution system of checks and balance designed to do?

To limit the powers so no one branch of the government has too much power.

What was the constitutions system of checks and balance designed to do?

To limit the powers so no one branch of the government has too much power.

What was the Constitution's system of check and balance designed to do?

To limit the powers so no one branch of the government has too much power.