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Q: This breed says this when left in very cold weather you are?
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This breed says this when left in very cold weather I'm?

Friesian!! StarMaiden ~ From ~ Bay !!

Where do bluebanded bees live?

They dont live in tasy.... they live in australia........ they like hot weather and die in cold weather.... mutms says so (murder under the microscope)

How do you breed a dragon in DragonVale?

You click on the breeding cave, and then when the Breeding Cave options come up, you select the button that says "Breed" (with a big red heart). Then you will see a screen that says "Select Dragon" Choose one dragon on the left side, and one on the right side, and then click the "Breed" button.

How do French weather expressions differ from English weather expressions?

A big difference is in how one describes (current) weather conditions. In English one says: "It [the weather] is beautiful." "It is cold." "It is hot." etc. In French one does not use the verb "to be" in this case; one uses the verb "faire," which normally translates as "to do" or "to make." Examples: It [the weather] is beautiful --> Il fait beau. It is cold --> Il fait froid. It is hot --> Il fait chaud.

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What the weather man says.

What kind of cat is Alonzo from cats?

It is not specified what breed he is, but it says that he is a tabby. A tabby is not a breed.

Why santa chose reindeer to pull his seigh?

The legend says he lives in the north and reindeer are the only animals that can serve the purpose that far north. It would get too cold for horses but reindeer are made for cold weather. Also, they can be tamed.

What is the weather condition in the story of The Aged Mother?

I don't think it says

HOW DO you breed your ponystars?

You can breed your ponystars with each other by going to the male you want to breed and clicking Stallion Status. Then look where it says Proposals. Choose the female you want him to breed with and click Request. When you've done that, go to Proposals on the left side menu. Then click on Received Requests and accept the one you just sent to yourself. Hope this helps!

Why do you feel cold even when its 75 degrees?

It says that some people can get over hot weather or cold it's just because your because your body sometimes stays at normal tempurture. Only our feels the cold that's why we get chicken skin our hair stands up for a response to warm!

Why is the weather mostly cold in the UK?

First it isn't cold in UK,the real weather is mild because my friend named Nathan Jarvis lives in UK (United Kingdom) and he says it is mild so mostly he does have facebook, and it is true the climate is wild, last week around 4/8/2012- 4/14/2012 was cold but the climate is wild and weather is a mystery.This Comment will Soon Have more Informationfrom Nathan Jarvis to Celestal101Asker...Asker&AnswerTM INC

Who brought boar into the Habbo Hotel?

it was Maddox he says i brought it in because its was left cold but he lost it.other user:yep but it wont help now its over