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Q: This factor of production is represented as interest earned on investments?
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What factor of production is represented as interest earned on investments?


This factor of production is represented as intreset earned on investments?


Does interest revenue show on the balance sheet?

Interest revenue is shown in income statment as other income that interest may be earned from investments in other business or governament securities etc.

What is the money earned from investments called?

The money earned from investment is called as return on investment. if you invest in shares then it will be treated as dividend, if it in debentures then it will be known as interest. so different investment reuturns will have different names.

Which of the following is not an example of earned income?


What is the formula for times interest earned ratio?

Times Interest Earned = Operating Income/ Interest Expense.

Interest earned on interest is known as?

Compound Interest

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Compound interest is interest paid on interest previously earned?


How is interest different from compound interest?

Simple interest is interest paid on the original principle only, Compound interest is the interest earned not only on the original principal, but also on all interests earned previously.

How does a person use a compounded interest calculator?

Compound interest calculators can be used for both investments and for loans. In the case of investments using the amount invested, time and interest rate you can determine the future value of that money. In the case of loans using the amount of the loan, time, interest rate and payments the total amount of interest paid for the loan (and thus earned by the lender) can be determined. Seeing the numbers in black and white can encourage many people to save more, pay back a loan faster and/or try to find better investment or loan terms.

Type of interest is calculated by adding the interest earned to the principle?

Compound interest