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Q: This forms when Lambert glacier flows out over the ocean?
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What forms as Lambert glacier flows out over the ocean?

an ice sheet

What produces icebergs?

An iceberg forms after a glacier flows into a body of water, like an ocean. When the top portion of the glacier breaks off and floats, this becomes the iceberg.

What river forms part of the border between two northeasterns states and flows into the Pacific Ocean?

There are no rivers in the southeastern United States that flow in the Pacific Ocean. However, the Columbia River forms a portion of the border between Washington and Oregon and flows into the Pacific Ocean.

What river forms forms part of the border between two northwestern states and flows into the Pacific Ocean?

The American river?

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What is a land form that forms when a river slows down as it flows into an ocean or lake?

That is called a delta.

What is the sea south of the sinai peninsula that is part of the Indian ocean?

It is the Red Sea - it flows into the Gulf of Aidan - which forms part of the Indian Ocean.

What river forms a border between two northern states and flows into the pacific ocean?

Columbia River

Is glacier found on land or found in the ocean?


What is a sheet of ice on the ocean called?

Icebergs.The icebergs that break off do so because the glacier of which they are a part flows toward the sea, like a river, only much slower.When a fracture or a vulnerable sheer exists in the glacier, and the glacier tongue drifts far enough into open water, and the sea currents or waves exert enough pressure on the tongue, the tongue splits off from the glacier and becomes an iceberg.

What river forms prat of the border between two Northweastern State and flows into the Pacific Ocean?

Columbia river

What river that forms part of the border between two northwestern states and flows into the pacific ocean?

The American river?