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It can take any form. The form is not decided by action but by the tense you are writing in.

present tense -- He eats his lunch at 12:30.

past tense -- Today he ate his lunch at 1:00.

future tense -- Tomorrow he is eating his lunch in the park.

In these sentences the same action is referred to - eat - but the action takes place in the present, past or future

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Active Voice

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Q: This is used when the subject of a sentence performs the action?
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This is used when the subject of a sentence receives the action instead of doing it?

passive voice

A complete sentence must have a subject and a what?

Because with out a subject we would not know who/what does the action (verb). Look at this sentence: The boy ate the cake. - We know the boy does the action of eat. Ate the cake. - In this sentence something is missing we don't know who or what does the action so the sentence does not make sense. Sometimes sentences do not have subjects these are called imperative sentences. They are used for commands exclamations and warnings. But the subject is implied, it is you. Sit down, stand up, look out, catch! (You) sit down. (You) stand up. (You)catch.

What is the transitive verb and direct object?

A transitive verb is the verb used when the subject of the sentence is the one doing the action; the direct object is the recipient of the action word. for example: The boy throws the ball. Throws is the verb and ball is the object.

Can the word we be used as a subject in a sentence?

It is a subject pronoun. We saw the doctor. - used in subject position = correct The doctor saw we. - used in object position = not correct

Is it correct she has blamed us for the dispute especially you and me?

Yes it is correct. It may not sound right, but "you and me" are object pronouns here-- she blamed us; she blamed you and me. These pronouns are used in this sentence to show who was blamed. The answer, the object of the blame is: us, especially you and me. A subject (I, you and I) in a sentence is the person doing the action. In this sentence, the doer of the action is "she," thus making the other pronouns the objects.

Related questions

Is a conjunction the subject of a sentence?

No, a conjunction is not the subject of a sentence. Conjunctions are words that are used to connect words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence. The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action in a sentence.

What is the correct definition for a subject pronoun?

A subject pronoun is a pronoun that performs the action of the verb in a sentence. It replaces the subject of the sentence and can be used to avoid repetition of the noun. Examples include "I," "he," "she," "they," and "we."

What is a pronoun used as the subject of a sentence?

A subject pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun as the subject of a sentence or a clause.The subject pronouns are: I, we, he, she, they, who.The pronouns that function as a subject or an object are: you, it.Examples:Mom is not home. Shewent to the store to get an ingredient for the cake that she is making.

A pronoun used as the subject?

A subject pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun as the subject of a sentence or a clause.The subject pronouns are: I, we, he, she, they, who.The pronouns that function as a subject or an object are: you, it.Examples:Mom is not home. She went to the store to get an ingredient for the cake that she is making.

Does a subject in a sentence ask the questions who or what?

No. A sentence always starts with a noun or a pronoun and in some cases it is started by 'It' and 'There' as subject. 'Who' and 'What' are the question words and also they are used as pronouns.

What the difference between active voice and passive voice?

In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action, while in passive voice, the subject is acted upon by the verb. Active voice is generally more direct and engaging, while passive voice is often used to shift the focus onto the recipient of the action.

8 What is the difference between active and passive voice?

Active voice is when the subject of a sentence performs the action, while passive voice is when the subject receives the action. In active voice, the sentence is structured subject-verb-object, whereas in passive voice, the sentence is structured object-verb-subject. Active voice is more direct and concise, while passive voice can be used to focus on the receiver of the action or when the doer is unknown or less important.

What is active and passive is it the moods of verbs in a sentence?

Active and passive voice refer to how the subject of a sentence is positioned in relation to the action of the verb. In active voice, the subject performs the action, while in passive voice, the subject receives the action. It is not related to the moods of verbs, but rather to the structure of the sentence.

Is 'we' an object pronoun or a subject pronoun?

We is a subject pronoun, it is used as the subject of a sentence or clause. The object pronoun is us, used as the object of the verb or a preposition.Examples:We can go to the movies.Mother called us.

What describes who or what a sentence is about?

The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea that is being described or acted upon in the sentence. It is typically a noun or a pronoun that performs the action or is being acted upon by the verb.

Is the plumber a subject?

A subject is who performs the action and is a noun or pronoun. Plumber is a noun, so it can be used as a subject. Example: The plumber used the homeowner's decorative towels to soak up the mess in the bathroom.

What is the nominative case used for in German?

The nominative case is used for the subject of a sentence (who or what did the action).