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Q: This king changed the religion of Egypt from polytheism to monotheism?
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What is monotheism What is polytheism Did the ancient Egyptians believe in monotheism or polytheism?

Monotheism is the belief in one god (Jews, Christians, Muslims). Polytheism is the belief in many gods(ancient Greece). Egypt also had a polytheistic religion.

What pharaoh changed Egypt's religion to monotheism and ignored his duties because of this religion?

PHARAOH AKHENATON changed Egypt's religion to monotheism. While he refused to propitiate the gods he had banned, he did perform all necessary secular duties of Pharaoh.

Was ancient Egypt religion polytheistic or monotheistic?

Egypt is a country, not a religion. The Ancient Egyptian religion was polytheistic. Currently, the dominant religions in Egypt are Islam and Christianity which are monotheistic religions.

Which pharaoh changed the religion of Egypt?

The Pharoah Akhenaten attempted to change the polytheistic religion of Egypt into a monotheistic one worshipping the Aten. Pharoah Akenaten was Tut's father. He forced priests of the numerous Egyption gods to quit their jobs. He destroyed all the temples exept for Aten. During his rein, P. A. forced everyone to worship 1 got...Aten. After the pharoah died, the people tried to erase his name from histoy and go back to the old religion.

What is Egypt's official language and religion?

Egyptian and polytheism

Where did polytheism spread?

Polytheism predates Monotheism, and was pretty much found everywhere before the rise of Monotheism. Formalized Polytheism famously developed in places as disparate as Europe, India, Egypt, Scandanavia, etc, with various guessed at connections between them and the more widely known Greco-Roman pantheon of gods.

Why do you think Amenhotep attempted to introduce monotheism versus polytheism in ancient Egypt?

Amenhotep IV took decisive steps to establish the Aten as the exclusive, monotheistic god of Egypt

Was Egypt a river valley civilization?

Yes. It was located on the Nile and practiced polytheism as their religion.

What is the name of the Ancient Egyptian religion where they worshiped many gods?

Ancient Egyptians did not have a term for what we would call "polytheism" since everyone was polytheist at that time. The Egyptians had no concept of monotheism, atheism, or henotheism with which to contrast their belief. As for what they called their religion, they called it "Kemet", which was the Ancient Egyptian word for "Egyptian". To them, there was no distinction between the Egyptian people and the Egyptian religion. Those who worshiped other gods or pantheons in Egypt were simply not Egyptians, but foreigners.

How did akhenaten change Egypt from polytheism to monotheism?

Yes, that Akhenaten did. He changed Egypt's Polytheistic society into one that was of Monothesiam. He took thougt that only one god needed to be worshiped and that all the others no longer mattered. He was hateed and despised by many. He was the father of king tut and was infamous for going to monotheisum (worship of one god). To the society of Egypt's relief Tut took the throne at the age of twelve and he let the people worship several gods agian. He also made everyone kill themselves if they didn't worship him. The god was Aten. King tut and his sucessors helped bring the kingdom back to polytheism over time.

What are similarities between Israel and Egypt?

Some similarities are that they both believed in god/gods/godesses. Israel had monotheism, believing in on god. Egypt believed in multiple gods and goddesses which is polytheism. Another similarity is that they both had promised lands, Israel's promised land was Canaan, or the land of milk and honey.

In what culture did monotheism first emerge?

A:Probably the Aryan culture of southern Russia. This is where the monotheistic religion of Zoroastrianism emerged. Monotheism later emerged briefly in Egypt and in Judah.