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Q: This process is said to have taken place if every memeber of a species has died out?
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What process takes place when a member of a species dies out?


What is a process that is said to have taken place if ever member of a species has died out?


Where is the greatest number of species extinctions taking place?

The greatest number of species extinctions took place during the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event. During this event, almost every species on the planet became extinct.

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Every place in North America has at least a few hawk species.

Which statement best explains the significance of meiosis in the process of evolution within species?

Meiosis takes place in sexual reproduction and genetic variations takes place in sexual reproduction. Genetic variations lead to evolution to new species.

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You are prewriting every time you think of a new idea throughout the writing process

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Invasive species have no real competition. They came from another place where they were held in check by others around them. Now they can just take off and grow every where.

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Enzymes are used in almost every biological reaction that takes place in an organism to expedite the process.

Where did the extintion of dinosaurs occurred?

There is no actual place which extinction occurred as dinosaurs are represented on every continent by both extant species and fossil remains.

What did darwin call the process by which evolution takes place?

The book, On The Origin Of Species, " suggested " that organisms evolve through the process of natural selection. The nonrandom survival and reproductive success of randomly varying organisms

What is the process of by which organisms produce offspring in order to perpetuate their species?

They have adaptation in order to reproduce. Population of a particular species depends on how much it does that.A good environment is essential thoug!The favorable climate is the best place for the animal to reproduce.

What takes place inside the chloroplasts?

Light and Dark reactions.Main process is the photosynthesis. It produces glucose feeding almost every organism on planet