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Q: This uses sensory images to help readers to picture a person a place or an event?
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What uses sensory images to help readers to picture a personplace or an event?

Descriptive language uses sensory images to help readers visualize a person, place, or event through vivid details that appeal to the senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. By using descriptive language, writers can create a more immersive experience for the reader and evoke strong emotional responses.

How do you draw a Buddha?

A Buddha is any enlightened person, so drwing any person can be a picture of a Buddha. To draw a picture of the Buddha is going to be difficult as no contemporary images of him exist.

Where can you find a picture of Amy Rose the actress?

She is not an actress she is a cartoon character but if you want the person who voices her type into google images Lisa Ortis. Or if you want a picture of Amy just type in to google images, Amy Rose

Can you give me a picture?

Yes we can go to goggle, press images and type the person or place name in the box

Where can one see images of a controller PC?

A person can see images of a controller PC on either a picture sharing website such as Tumblr, Google, or Bing, or at a video sharing website such as YouTube.

Where can a person find free Christmas images?

A person can find free christmas images on the web. etc google pictures or another picture website. You can take pictures with a camera of your family or some other motive, you can also create a picture of your own with a image creator like paint on windows or gimp available for all platforms. Its all about finding a picture of your liking. thereå«s really a ton on the internet

What can bad backgrounds do to cause sensory loss?

Bad backgrounds can cause sensory loss due to the fact that it can be overwhelming. When a person with sensory issues is overstimulated, it can cause sensory overload.

What is ment by nude images?

Nude images typically refer to photographs or illustrations in which a person is depicted without clothing, exposing their naked body. These images may be considered explicit or inappropriate depending on the context and media platform.

What is the goal of descriptive text?

The goal of descriptive text is to provide a detailed account or portrayal of a person, place, object, or event. It aims to help readers visualize and understand the subject being described through vivid and sensory language.

How do you upload an avatar on Google Docs?

You could add an image file to the type of document that accepts images.

What is the functions of the sensory systems?

The function of the sensory system, from the word itself is Sensory in nature. This means that sensory organs are the ones that functions as the way the person smell, see, touch, hear and taste.Novanet: Thinking

Why would readers become closer to a first person narrator than a third person narrator?

readers know the thoughts and feelings of a first-person narrator