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No a sentence is not a verb. A verb is a word that does.

Three frogs were "sitting" on a log. One decided to "jump" off.

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Q: Three frogs were sitting on a log. One decided to jump off. Is this sentence a verb?
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The nouns in the sentence are frogs, place, and place.

3 frogs sitting by a pool One jumps in how many are left?

If one jumps in, two are left sitting by the pool. If one jumps in, there are still three frogs in the pool area.

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Yes, the sentence is correct grammatically. The sentence is The frogs were in the water.

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There is no use of THE in the sentence. FROGS HOP can be considered as correct too.

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No. Frogs are just frogs what's the difference?

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Can you keep frogs and chameleons in the same tank?

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