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Matt 2:11 "And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh."

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Gold, Frackinsence, and Myrh. Sorry if they're spelt wrong.

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14y ago

Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.

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Q: Three gifts tree wise men brought?
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Which Wise man brought frankincense?

One of the Three Wise Men brought frankincense to baby Jesus as a gift, symbolizing his divinity and priestly role.

Where were the tree wise mens gifts found or made?

They brought them from their own treasures, (Matthew 2.11).

What is the three gifts that the wise men brought Jesus?

gold, frankincense, and myrrh

Who brought gifits and why to jesus?

The three wise men brought gifts for Jesus.They were gold myrrh and frankincense.

Why are presents associated with Christmas?

Because when Jesus was born, the three wise men gave him gifts. Yea the answer above is correct the three wise men brought Jesus gifts the night of his birth

Why do people place a star on top of a Christmas tree?

It represents the star followed by the wise men who brought gifts.

What were the three gifts the disciples gave Jesus?

No one knows. The Bible says that it was wise men bearing three gifts. 1) Gold 2) Frankincense 3) Myrrh. (pronounced: mer) There was never any mention of there being "three wise men". It was mentioned that the wise men brought "three gifts". For all we know, there could have been 10 wise men with three gifts.

How many gifts brought to Jesus by the wise men?

Gold, frankincense and myrhh were very costly and hard to come by, so these were probably the most valuable things that could be given as gifts at that time.

Why are gifts given at Christmas?

It's because of the biblical description of the three wise men who brought gifts to Jesus.

How many wise men brought gifts to Jesus?

3Answer:The biblical account of the wise men (Matthew 2:1-12) doesn't specify how many there were. Because three gifts are mentioned, the notion that there were three men became prevalent.

Why do you have Christmas presonts?

It is in remembrance of the birth of Jesus, as it occurred according to the bible. WHen Jesus was born, the three wise men approached and brought him gifts. Those gifts to baby Jesus from the three wise men has then mutated into the current tradition of Christmas presents.

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