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Geoffrey Chaucer (1343 - 1400)

Leo Tolstoy (1828 - 1910)

Edgar Allan Poe (1809 - 1849)

Jane Austen (1775 - 1817)

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Q: Three of the following four authors were alive within twenty years of one another which one does not belong Geoffrey Chaucer Leo Tolstoy Edgar Allan Poe Jane Austen?
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What is Geoffrey Chaucer's opinion on the merchant?

Geoffrey Chaucer's view of the merchant, as portrayed in "The Canterbury Tales," is generally positive. The merchant is depicted as a wealthy and respected figure who is shrewd and knowledgeable in matters of trade. Chaucer presents the merchant as someone who is wise and experienced, although occasionally dishonest in his dealings.

Why Geoffrey Chaucer became a writer?

Geoffrey Chaucer likely became a writer due to his talent for storytelling and his interest in literature and poetry. He was also influenced by the literary culture of his time, which valued the art of writing and storytelling. Additionally, Chaucer held various civic and diplomatic roles that provided him with unique experiences and perspectives to draw upon in his writing.

Where in geoffery chaucer's writings is there a reference to a winter storm tossed swallow flying into a great banquet hall and later disappearing out another window?

This reference can be found in "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer, specifically in the "Parliament of Fowls" or "The Parliament of Birds" where the narrator encounters a dream-vision of birds holding a parliament to choose their mates. The winter storm-tossed swallow incident symbolizes the transient nature of love and desire within the poem.

What are different bout Shakespeare and Chaucer?

Well, for a start, Chaucer lived some 200 years before Shakespeare did. And although they both spoke English, Shakespeare spoke Modern English but Chaucer spoke Middle English, which means that they would not have been able to understand each other. Another difference is that Shakespeare was a professional writer. Chaucer was not; he was a civil servant.

What are some examples of detached ironic tone in the Caterbury Tales?

One example of a detached ironic tone in "The Canterbury Tales" is Chaucer's portrayal of the Pardoner, who is depicted as corrupt and hypocritical while preaching against greed and avarice. Another example is Chaucer's description of the Summoner, who is presented as being morally dubious and corrupt. These instances showcase Chaucer's skill in using irony to comment on the flaws and contradictions of the characters he presents.

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Who were some important people of the middle ages?

Charlemagne was on. King Alfred the Great was another. Queen Margaret I of Denmark is one I admire. Dante was medieval, as was Geoffrey Chaucer. So for that matter, was Gutenberg, inventor of printing. Pope Leo III, Thomas Becket, Petrarch, Anna Comnena, Joan of Arc, King Henry II of England, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Marjery Kempe, and Queen Hedwig of Poland are a few more. The list could include thousands of names.

What important work describe stories told by travelers?

The Canterbury Tales

What is a word for following instructions?

Another way to say "following instructions" is:obeyedcomplied

How many children did chaucer have?

Supposedly, 2 with his wife, Phillipa, a girl, whom joined a nunnery called Elizabeth and a boy, who amounted to a great deal within royal circles and when he married had a daughter called Alice after his fathers mistress. Chaucer became estranged from his wife and had another son, supposedly with Edward III mistress Alice Perrers.