

Three warning signs of obsessive compulsive disorder?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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8y ago

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder comes in many shapes and forms. For me, I did not like ot touch anything. For others, it could range from scrubbing there hands "clean" and repeating numbers. These are the compulsions OCD is trying to make someone do. Maybe you find that you wash your hands a little too much or too long. Maybe you keep asking for reassurance that something looks right or you are ok. Three signs I would look for is constant and OBSESSIVE checking, arranging things so it is perfect, and counting in strange ways. If this does not help as you wanted, there are many great sites to go on about OCD.

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you think same things without wanting it, do same things like washing your hands 20 times a day, stressed out with this things.

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Q: Three warning signs of obsessive compulsive disorder?
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Cluster A (classified as eccentric or odd): Paranoid/Schizoid/Schizotypal Cluster B (classified as erratic): Antisocial/Narcissistic/Histrionic/Borderline Cluster C (classified as anxious or fearful): Obsessive compulsive/Avoidant/Dependent NOS: Passive-Aggressive/Depressive Hope that helps :]

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Anxiety disorders are common among the population, but not all anxiety disorders are the same. Although there are many mental health issues classified as anxiety disorders, three of the most common types are generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive anxiety disorder and panic anxiety disorder.Generalized Anxiety DisorderA person suffering from generalized anxiety disorder often exhibits irrational, uncontrollable and excessive worry about daily activities and events. It is one of the most common anxiety disorders. People suffering from generalized anxiety often exhibit fears and concerns about everyday issues that those who don't suffer from this disorder would not worry about. Although some worry is normal in everyone, those with this anxiety disorder let the worry consume their days since the worry is so exaggerated. Obsessive Compulsive Anxiety DisorderThose suffering from OCD exhibit uncontrollable compulsions, obsessions and/or thoughts that interfere with their ability to function normally. Although it's normal for a person to wash their hands before eating, an OCD sufferer may wash their hands 10 times before eating a meal. The behavior associated with obsessive compulsive disorder is often accompanied by a sense of harm or danger. Although this fear is irrational, the OCD suffer feels that by performing a certain task repeatedly they can somehow ward off this irrational danger. Common fears among OCD sufferers include fear of contamination, fear of terrifying thought, fear of catastrophe and fear of throwing things away.Panic Anxiety DisorderPanic disorder is characterized by a person have spontaneous, reoccuring panic attacks. When the person experiences a panic attack, he or she will suddenly become terrified out of nowhere. The person may feel as if he or she is having a heart attack and feel symptoms like sweating, chest pains, heart palpitations, dizziness and blurry vision. The actual attack itself is frightening, although harmless. A panic attack can last for just a minute or two or for several hours. Once the person experiences their first panic attack, there is a constant fear of having another attack. This can lead to a person become agoraphobic, meaning they are unable to leave their home due to the fear of having a panic attack.