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animals pollinate the plants to help them reproduce, and continue the species. they also distribute the seeds to other places so there's a better chance of greater reproduction. one more way is.....

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1.They eat plants 2.Plants make air for the Animals 3.Some animals use Plants for camaflouge

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Q: Three ways animals are important to plants?
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3 ways in which plants are important to us?

Plants provide us with oxygen through photosynthesis, they are a source of food and nutrition, and they help to purify the air by removing toxins. Additionally, plants are used for medicine, building materials, and fuel.

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1.nutrients 2.plant food for plants animals and bacteria

How do plants and animals help us in brief?

animals eat plants get the nutrients we eat the animal we get the nutrients

Do plants relate to animals?

Yes in many ways

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well you need animals to have plants cause plants breathe and so do animals. animals breathe what plant exhale and we breathe what plants exhale.

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Three ways that organisms make use of polysaccharide is that plants use it for starch, animals use it for glycogen and cellulose. Polysaccharides is where most natural carbohydrates occur.