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Q: Through what structure does a baby pass during birth?
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Which structure allows a baby to pass out of the body during birth?


What imaginary plane does a baby pass through during childbirth?

The "birth canal" is the imaginary plane a baby passes through during childbirth. It refers to the passage formed by the mother's pelvis and vagina through which the baby travels during the birthing process.

What does it mean to be dilating during pregnancy?

When you are dilating during labor, this means your cervix is opening more and softening to allow the baby to pass through the birth canal. Your cervix will be ready to pass the baby through once you are dilated 10cm.

Why is the vagina sometimes called the birth canal?

The vagina is sometimes referred to as the birth canal because during childbirth, the baby passes through this canal to be delivered. The vagina is designed to stretch and accommodate the passage of the baby during labor and delivery.

What is the function of the birth canal?

is the passageway for sperm,for blood during menstruation,and for the baby during birth.

What occurs during the stage of childbirth called delivery?

During the delivery stage of childbirth, the mother experiences the actual birth of the baby. This involves the baby moving through the birth canal, followed by the delivery of the placenta. The process can include contractions, pushing, and potentially medical interventions to ensure the safe delivery of the baby.

What is anti-natal care?

Caring for mother and baby AFTER the birth.

When a baby is delevered through the birth canal it is called what birth?


How do you get a baby out of your body?

The baby is delivered through the birth canal with the assistance of a doctor.

How to get birth baby boy?

through parturititon process

What happens when baby poos in the womb during child birth?

Waste is carried out of the baby through the umbilical cord and is excreted by the mother when you are pregnant. During childbirth the baby can poo while in the womb. This can be seen in a greenish tinge when the mothers waters break, or during active labor. A baby pooing during labor can be a sign that the baby is in distress and measures may need to be taken to move along your labor and get the baby out quickly.

How are the babies born?

Through vaginal birth or c-section where they cut open the stomach and take the baby out.