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To amend is to make changes to something in order to improve it or make it more accurate or fair. It involves correcting faults or removing abuses in order to enhance the overall quality or effectiveness of the thing being amended.

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Q: To change or improve something by correcting faults or removing abuses?
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What factors may impact on it diamonds sustainability?

Factors impacting diamonds sustainability include unethical mining practices, human rights abuses, environmental degradation, and lack of transparency in the supply chain. It is important for the diamond industry to address these issues through responsible sourcing, fair labor practices, and community development initiatives to improve sustainability.

Describe the uses and abuses of ground water?

Groundwater is essential for drinking water supply, agriculture, and industry. However, over-extraction can lead to depletion of aquifers, causing land subsidence and saltwater intrusion in coastal areas. Pollution from agriculture, industry, and urban activities can also contaminate groundwater, posing risks to public health and ecosystems. Proper management and conservation practices are essential to prevent abuses of groundwater resources.

Who is cato in copper sun?

In the novel "Copper Sun" by Sharon Draper, Cato is a cruel overseer on the Indigo plantation who mistreats and abuses slaves. He embodies the brutality and inhumanity of the slave trade.

What is one of the most potentially disruptive forces to global stability.?

Major power war

What according to Madison is a compound republic?

Madison believed that a compound republic is a political system where power is divided between a central government and regional governments, each having specific responsibilities and authority. This system allows for a balance of power and protects against potential abuses of power by any one entity.

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To change or improve something by correcting faults or removing abuses is to .?


To change or improve something by correcting faults or removing abuses is to?

To change or improve something by correcting faults or removing abuses is to reform. This process involves making positive modifications to enhance a system, process, or behavior.

What is to change or improve something by correcting faults or removing abuses is to?

The anser is reform.

What is woman abuse?

When someone abuses a women and forces them to do something that she is not willing to do.

Who worked to alleviate some of the abuses and improve sanitary conditions in correctional facilities?

Reformer Elizabeth Fry and sociologist Zebulon Brockway worked to alleviate abuses and improve sanitary conditions in correctional facilities. Fry focused on the welfare of female prisoners in England, while Brockway advocated for prison reform in the United States.

What do you like most about yourself and What would you like to improve about yourself?

I like that I am a survivor of many abuses, and wish to improve my response to grievances and enemies I love the fact that I'm kind, caring and smart, if I could I would improve my athletic ablities

Who worked to alleviate some of the abuses and improve sanitary condtions in correctional facilities?

Reformers and activists, such as Elizabeth Fry and Dorothea Dix, worked to address abuses and improve sanitary conditions in correctional facilities during the 19th century. They advocated for better living conditions, healthcare, and rehabilitation programs for prisoners.

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How did Political reform gradually expand suffrage and make the British parliament more democratic during the 1800?

The Representation of the People Act 1832 was an Act of Parliament that introduced wide-ranging changes to the electoral system of England. The act was designed to "take effectual Measures for correcting divers Abuses