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means to have a lot of sex loudly

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Q: To cry out suddenly in a high loud voice because your frightened?
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How does helium make your voice high?

Because its awsome

Why is Chris Culfer's voice high pitched?

Maybe because that's how his voice is pitched. Kind of a dumb question....

Is Justin Bieber's voice still 'girlish'?

it was never 'girlish' just because his voice is quite high doesn't mean that it is 'girlish' and it isn't even that high.

Does Ariana Grande have a low voice or a high voice?

high voice (:

Why is Miley Cyrus' voice so deep while Justin Bieber's voice is so high?

i cant answer why Miley Cyrus' voice is deep but justins voice is high because he is going through puperty

How high does your voice have to be to break glass?

you have to have a very high voice to break a glass and this is what you have to do to break a glass you can break a glass because a glass is very resonant and frequency. and you also can break a glass by holding your high voice for two or three seconds and then the glass breaks. no its impossible for just your plain high voice you have to have a high microphone (with speakers) to break a light wine glass.

Why is Justin Bieber so high-pitched?

Because his balls haven't dropped yet. No puberty=high voice.

Is alto a soft voice?

alto is a low girl voice, suprano is a high girl voice. tenor is a high boy voice, bass is a low boy voice.

Can humans breathe Hydrogen?

Yes because it is not poisonous. It makes your voice high pitched if respired because it is lighter then air and changes the timbre of your voice making it high pitched. You should not breathe it in because there is a chance that it could react with the oxygen or air in your lungs.

Why does Justin bieber has a high pitch voice?

Justin"s voice is so high pitched because he is part girl

Why is Justin Bieber's voice so high?

He's only 15, it's possible he hasn't gone through puberty yet. Maybe he has, and is just born with a high voice. Michael Jackson had a high voice and was one of the greatest singers of all time. Don't dis him because he has a high voice.

Why is my Voice Cracking?

You know ehen your voice is "cracking" when it keeps changing in pitch. As a boy you have a higher picthed voice than an adult man but during puberty your larynx (also called the Adam's Apple or Voice box) grows larger and the pitch of your voice gets lower. At some point you'll think that your voice has "broken" and has gotten permenantly lower, then right in the middle of a sentence it can suddenly "crack" and sound high pitched again. This period of sudden and unpredictable "cracking" of your voice can last for a few months until it eventually settles down to a lower adult pitch.