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Q: To get energy from stored glycogen the body must first concert the glycogen into?
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To get energy from stored glycogen the body must first convert the glycogen into .?

To get energy from stored glycogen (in the liver), the body must first convert the glycogen into ATP. -JoshuaP

To get energy from stored glycogen the body must first convert the glycogen into?

To get energy from stored glycogen (in the liver), the body must first convert the glycogen into ATP. -JoshuaP

What function does glycogen have in living things?

Glycogen is a stored sugar that is made available as the first energy source while exercising. It lasts for about 20 minutes. Then the body uses other sources of metabolism for energy. Glycogen is stored in the liver.

Is the only way your body can store energy from food is in the form of body fat?

False. Your body can store energy from food for future use in two ways: 1) as fat and 2) as muscle fuel (called glycogen). Its first priority is to fill its glycogen tanks, because glycogen is the body's primary source of energy for physical activity. Once your glycogen stores are filled and the rest of the body's energy needs are covered, all the extra energy from your food will be stored as body fat.

What happens if body cannot break down glucose fast enough?

Glucose that is not broken down for energy is stored, first as glycogen in the liver and then as fat in adipose tissue.

How long does it take to lose weight by counting your calories?

This answer is a bit complicated. First you have to understand how your body stores and uses energy. When you take in more calories than you use in a day the extra energy is stored as fat. When you eat your body will refill it's reservoir with energy stored as glycogen. The glycogen is stored in your liver and in your muscles. When you exercise this is the first bit of energy that is used. After the glycogen is used up, your muscle energy stores are used. When that energy is used up, then your body switches to a new source of energy. Fat. This fat is broken down into energy, but it is a much more difficult process which requires alot of oxygen. That is some of the reason why your heart rate and respirations increase with exercise. These first two sources of glycogen and muscle energy will not net any weight loss at all. When you get into the third stage of exercise fat will begin to be burned. At this point your weight is being lost at the same exact time as the fat is being converted into energy. So this happens at the same time. Tit for tat. Weight for energy. But, you have to exercise for a prolonged period of time to reach the third stage of energy production.

What source of energy does an internal combustion engine use?

Chemical energy, stored in the gasolene or a similar substance. This, in turn, is first converted into heat.Chemical energy, stored in the gasolene or a similar substance. This, in turn, is first converted into heat.Chemical energy, stored in the gasolene or a similar substance. This, in turn, is first converted into heat.Chemical energy, stored in the gasolene or a similar substance. This, in turn, is first converted into heat.

Where is energy stored and obtained by chloroplasts from sunlight?

Energy is absorbed by chlorophyll.Energy is stored first in ATP later in glucose.

How is excess glucose stored in liver and muscle cells?

After a meal, as blood glucose rises, the pancreas is the first organ to respond. It releases the hormone insulin, which signls the body's tissues to take up surplus glucose. Muscle and liver cells use some of this excess glucose to build glycogen.

Where does glucose go when it leaves the small intestine?

After leaving the gut, the liver is the first tissue to use dietary glucose. In the liver, glucose can be converted to glycogen to be stored or distributed through out the body for energy. It can also be converted to fatty acids. The conversion of glucose to fatty acids usually only happens if energy intake has exceeds energy expenditure.

What is the difference between fat and glycogen?

Glycogen is a polysaccharide that is the main form of carbohydrate storage in animals and occurs mainly in liver and muscle tissue; it is readily converted to glucose. Any glucose in excess of the needs for energy and storage as glycogen is converted to fat. Fat is stored predominantly as adipose tissue throughout the body and is an energy reservoir. It is less accessible for cellular metabolism as it must first be reduced from its complex form, triglyceride, to the simpler components of glycerol and free fatty acids. So although fat acts as a vast stockpile of fuel, energy release is too slow for very intense activity

When cells do not need energy when ATP is abundant Acetyl CoA can be converted to?

Glycogen first. 150 grams in Liver and 150 grams in muscles, aproximately. Then to Fat. Which is stored in body. Body has a very large resevre of Fat and as on today, obesity is one of the major problem for billions of people.