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An instructor with a fitness certificate isn't necesarilly better, but has probably undergone safety procedures and taken more classes then one without so i would look for an instructor with one.

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Q: To get fitness Lessons and Training, do I need an instructor with a fitness certificate?
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Where can I train to be a pure Fitness instructor?

You do need to undergo a training to become a pure Fitness instructor. If interested you would have to bring a resume to your local pure Fitness location.

Where can I get my group fitness certificate?

Take the first step in becoming an ACE-certified Group Fitness Instructor and be a part of the largest nonprofit fitness certification, education and training organization in the world. Well help get you started with our convenient self-study programs.

How do you be a gym instructor?

To be a gym instructor you generally have to hold a basic certificate in the area of fitness. For example, in Australia the minimal certifical for gym instruction is a CERTIFICATE 3 in FITNESS. This minimal requirement ensures the employer of the Gym / institute that the Gym instructor has all the knowledge required to use and take care of equipment and machines plus the ability to instruct users on how to safely learn these skills themselves. A Gym instructor is not a personal trainer. Please remember this. However, a Personal Trainer can also be a Gym Instructor. This is because a Personal Trainer must have a higher certificate (in Australia the minimum is CERTIFICATE 4 in FITNESS), and must have all the knowledge of a Gym Instructor and more!

How do I get a fitness instructor certificate?

The ACE Group Fitness Instructor Standard Self-Study Course Bundle, based on ACE Group Fitness Instructor Manual, 3rd Edition, provides you with our most modest set of study materials to prepare for the ACE Group Fitness Instructor Certification Exam. Save $21 with this set of bundled self-study materials. This package does not include an exam registration voucher.

What courses do I need to become a Fitness instructor?

You need to first choose a certificate that you want to do and fulfill the requirements. Then you need to choose a specialty. Possible courses include Nutrition, Exercises sciences, Flexibility training etc.

What gyms offer training and fitness lessons?

The easiest way to find local gyms that offer training and fitness lessons is to ask around. It is helpful to find highly recommended classes to attend and you may even get a workout buddy to attend these classes with.

Who offers personal trainer certification programs in Houston, Texas?

The people who offers personal training certification programs is Professional Fitness Instructor Training and AHCP's Personal Fitness Trainer program.

Where do I get my personal training certification?

AFPA offers additional certification programs: Nutrition Consultant, Weight Management Certification, Yoga Instructor Certification, Pilates Instructor Certification, Senior Fitness Certification, Children's Fitness Certification and More!

What is a good Halloween costume for a fitness instructor?

a zombie fitness instructor sounds pretty good.

How can I earn my fitness training certification? has great information about the classes they offer to become Ace certified. Through Ace you can complete your personal trainer and group fitness instructor certifications.

Do I need to be certified to be a personal trainer?

It depends on the place you are training at. I would suggest that you talk to a supervisor, and check into what kind of classes or requirements they have to have to be a Fitness instructor. If all else fails, maybe you should try a different place, or maybe find a new instructor.

How does online fitness training work?

Online fitness training works by a person keeping an online diary about their goal, diet, types of exercising being done, and how often. Sometimes, there is an online instructor that helps support those that are aiming to achieve to be healthier.