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One word "Mercantilism"

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Q: To get riches to conquer new lands end to spread Christianity are all reasons for which events?
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What was Francisco Pizarro motives?

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Spain wanted gold, silver, and other riches from the new world. The Spanish method of colonization was to conquer. Spain sent conquistadors, or spanish soldiers, to conquer land in the new world. The spanish conquered land in South America from the Peruvians and Incans and imposed Christianity on the conquered people.

Why Cortez and Pizarro destroyed the Aztec and Inca Empires?

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What did Francisco Pizarro wanted to achieve?

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Why would Cortes conquer Cuba?

He wanted power! He wanted to spread his religion, he wanted glory for the spanish, and he wanted riches!

What was one reason the Spanish conquistadors were able to conquer the Aztec Empire?

Reasons for Aztec and incan conquer: 1. The tribes were quite primitive and so was their war material! 2. The spanish brought diseases that the incans and Aztecs had never heard of! 3. The Aztecs and incans believed that their gods would protect them, The spanish smashed the gods!