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Q: To make it easier to find a photo from among the hundreds you have in a Pictures folder consider creating?
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What is the purpose of creating a database The purpose of creating a database is that it will make it easier to find answers to your query.?

Databases are used to store, organize, and retrieve data efficiently. They help in managing large amounts of information, ensuring data integrity, and providing a structured way to access and manipulate data.

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you know the words pictures that make it easier words that rhyme

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What is the purpose of creating a database The purpose of creating a database is that it will make it easier to find answers to your query?

A database is used to organize and store information in a structured manner, making it easier to retrieve and manipulate data efficiently. It helps in ensuring data consistency, reliability, and security.

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Is technology is the use of scientific discoveries?

no, technology are the tools that man has created and sre still creating to make daily life easier to make life easier

What does a CSS table have to do with HTML?

HTML is a markup language used when one wants to create a website. Cascading style sheets or CSS is a style sheet language that one can use with HTML to create different kind of tables and pictures to the web page. Using CSS is easier than using HTML when creating tables for a website. It also makes updating the page easier.