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From Wikipedia

The Valsalva maneuver is performed by forcibly exhaling against a closed airway. Variations of the maneuver can be used either in medicine, as a test of cardiac function and autonomic nervous control of the heart or to 'clear' the ears and sinuses (equalize pressure) when ambient pressure changes, as in diving or aviation. The technique is named after Antonio Maria Valsalva, the 17th Century physician and anatomist from Bologna, whose principal scientific interest was the human ear. He described the Eustachian tube and the maneuver to test its patency (openness). He also described the use of this maneuver to expel pus from the middle ear. A modified version is done by expiring against a closed glottis. This will elicit the cardiovascular responses described below but will not force air into the eustachian tubes. On a plane to make your ears pop

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Q: To perform the Valsalva maneuver pinch your nose When would you do this?
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The valsalva maneuver can dangereously increase blood pressure?

In all my years of SCUBA diving, this had never come up as a potential hazard. I was close to dismissing this question but a little googling shows that the Valsalva maneuver can, indeed, result in an elevated blood pressure. Seems to me that it would need to be some really aggressive Valsalva-ing and a susceptible individual for it to be dangerous. See the link for one opinion.

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Antonio Maria Valsalva was born on January 17, 1666 and died on February 2, 1723. Antonio Maria Valsalva would have been 57 years old at the time of death or 349 years old today.

What part of speech is pinch?

To pinch is a verb. "Pinch" as in the phrase "in a pinch" or as in "a pinch of salt", then pinch would be a noun.

What do you do if an elderly is choking?

Call 911 if they are unable to breath and then perform the Heimlich maneuver. They may be injured by it, but healing is better than lying in a coffin.

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You can practice the Heimlich Maneuver on a dummy. That would be thebest way to practice.

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I would say the stolen pinch

What are the synonyms and antonyms for maneuver?

synonym would be plot

Is it bad if you pinch somebody that is wearing green?

I would not pinch anyone regardless of what color they are wearing.

How do you measure a pinch?

A "pinch" is just that... such as a pinch of salt in a recipe. I was told at one point that a Pinch works out to about 1/8th of a teaspoon, but it's probably even a little less than that. To do "a pinch of salt", one would pinch some salt between their fingers and put it in the recipe.

Does pinch go in this sentence a pinch of bread?

You can pinch off a part of a loaf of bread, yes. So I would use "off" with the word pinch; however, the phrase in the question might be considered a 'colloquialism,' or local slang, as it is.

What is the opposite of maneuver?

Two antonyms would be: to leave alone, to neglect

What does juke mean in Japanese?

The general term for that would be ジューク /juu ku/. As the verb form meaning 'to perform a feint maneuver' you can say フェイントをかける /fein to wo ka ke ru/.