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The faster your metabolism, the more you can eat without gaining weight. So, in order to prevent obesity, you need to keep your metabolism going as fast as possible. You can increase your metabolism by exercising, eating regularly and by avoiding starvation & fad diets. You need to eat healthy, natural foods as well as possible, as many processed foods may contain ingredients that can disturb the balance in your endocrine system.

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Q: To prevent obesity does a person need a high metabolism or a low metabolism?
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it can happen at any time it less likely to happen at a young age due to high metabolism that's the least likely it is more likely to happen in the teen era+

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What is the name given to a person who eats a lot but does not grow fat?

It just simply means you have a high metabolism.

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Do you have to have gym to pass high school?

Because a level of physical fitness will help you concentrate, study, and provide a healthy basis for your adult life.

If you have a high metabolism can you drink more alcohol?

Alcohol and metabolism are unrelated. So the amount you drink has no bearing on metabolism.