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Q: To sign a check on the left handed end?
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To sign a check on the back left handed end?

endorse; by lil deejay from maysville mobile,alabama

To sign a check on the back on the left handed end is called?

This is how all checks are endorsed. While looking at the face of the check (the side with the written on it), the "left-handed end" is the end on your left. Then, turn the check over (to its back). Many times there are either multiple lines or a box (which takes up approximately 1/5th of the check's total size. You must sign within that space.

What does it mean to sign a paycheck on the left-handed end?


Is Clint Eastwood left-handed?

Left handed. The end of Dirty Harry when he throws his inspector badge with his left hand. He usually shoots with his right hand but is left handed.

How do you convert a crochet pattern to do it left handed?

I am a left handed crocheter and I simply follow the pattern is, only holding the hook in the left hand. The piece will end up looking the same as long as you are paying attention.

Was John Cabot left handed of right handed?

John Cabot is Right Handed .History has said that they found a letter from him at the end said John Cabot and they studied it and It was the Right hand had written it.

What is the difference between left handed and right handed tubs?

Where the drain is in relation to the skirt

How is a violin held?

you hold a violin by the far end of the neck with your left hand, unless you have a left-handed violin, then it's right. you set the violin on your shoulder, with your chin resting on the left hand side of the violin, again, unless you own a left-handed violin.

How do you hold the bat in baseball in Nintendo wii sports?

With the face of the remote with all the buttons facing towards you with the end you usually point at the tv pointed at a slight angle over either your left shoulder if you are right handed or your right shoulder if you are left handed.

How do you kick a really big kick in AFL?

you hold the ball in the reverse banana position so have your right hand at the end closest to you on the right side of the ball and the opposite with your left hand [only have your hands positioned this way if you are right handed if your left handed do the opposite]

Are left handers batter ar sports than right?

Lefties have an advantage on the sports fields; because the majority of the population is right handed, lefties can often take players by surprise. This is particuarly evident in:Cricket/Rounders/Baseball: If a batter is left handed, fielders will have to orientate themselves otherwise the ball will be hit in the area where there are no fielders to get it quickly enough.Football: About 60% of lefties are left-footed, which is very useful for getting the ball round players who will go for the right hand side.Basketball: In basketball, left handed players can efficiently bounce the ball to the left of the unsuspecting right handed players. This is very useful; a lot of players are "out-handed" in the end!

You are buying a hockey stick online It says that the curve is to the left Does this mean the stick is left or right-handed?

If I recall correctly the way the stick is defined left or right is variant upon which hand you use at the end of the stick. A left handed person would put their right hand on top and reverse for righty. There is no right way to wield a stick but its all about your personal comfort.