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Q: To succeed in a global marketplace managers must?
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What is the foremost question in running a business enterprise?

What must managers do, and do well, to make a company a winner in the marketplace.

What role does culture play in global business?

Culture plays a significant role in global business as it impacts communication styles, negotiation strategies, decision-making processes, and overall business practices. Understanding and respecting different cultural norms can help businesses navigate diverse markets successfully and build strong relationships with international partners and customers. Ignoring cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and ultimately hinder the effectiveness of global business operations.

How do you get 1vs100 on your Xbox?

To get 1vs100 you must download it off of the Xbox Live Marketplace. You must purchase it with Microsoft points, which you can also buy off of the Marketplace.

In what ways all managers are and must be human resource managers?

Yes, this because all managers, if they are to lead their organization successfully, must work with people and manage the employees.

Is really willpower required?

In order to succeed, you must first possess the will to succeed.

What must financial managers consider when operating in the global environment?

They need to keep in mind that things work differently in other countries. All o the American rules are not going to translate over.

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Do you have to have knowledge to be wise?

You must have both to succeed.

How do global events affect managers?

Not a very clear question. It depends very much on the nature and size of the business, but certain events may have significant advantageous or deleterious effects for which the manager must be prepared.

Is the ability to perceive marketplace needs and what an organization must do to satisfy them?


How does an accounting fraud occur?

Managers must look for accountants placing money in accounts it don't belong in. To detect it, managers must be educated about accounting processes.

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