

To what age do white lions live up?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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12y ago

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The Average lifespan of a Male lion is usually around 8 to 10 years. Females can live up to 15 years in age. The shorter life span is due to the fact that, male lions are fierce fighters. They defend the pride and their position as leader. So, as the lions get weaker due to age, a younger, more stronger male lion will dethrone the old lion and take over the pride. During such prides, the loser is injured and this injury may prove fatal too.

Lions in captivity may live beyond the 15 year mark as well.

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Q: To what age do white lions live up?
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Yes. There was a small group of white lions in Kruger National Park, and someone decided they should be "saved." Today, most white lions are in captivity and bred for the white trait. See the white tiger page on, it says it applies to white lions too. Nasty stuff.

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Lions in the wild rarely live more than 15 years; lions in captivity live longer (because they don't have to hunt their own food or face challenges from rivals). The oldest lion I can find any record of died at the age of 29.

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Lions live 13-25 years in captivity.Lions live different amount of time in captivity. It depends greatly on the conditions of the zoo. Lions live around forty years in good conditions but live longer in the wild.13-25 years.

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White lions are so big as other lions and they usually can weigh up to 550 lbs for males and up to 410 lbs for females.they grow to about the same size as normal lions still quite big thoughUsually 7-10 feet long including it's tail. lions are awseome they live in my house. my little baby cat mated with the female. the male then ate my baby cat D':it will be child and go to be big and big and big to be old so you must feed it good feed and healthy to make him grow fast and be big

How long do lions live in the zoo?

normally 12-13 years but some can live up to 15 or 16

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