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The child's physical needs being met, not just temperature and food but love and care. That is pure nature and nurtureis part of it.

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Q: To what extent can child development be seen as a 'natural' process?
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Can a child be taken from his natural parents if there was no investigation done?

depends on the extent of the allegations

Is child development a continuous process?

Child development is a continuous process. Children grow everyday physically and emotionally through experiences and their parents and family.

Child growth and development?

Child growth and development is the study that learns about children as they grow from conception to adulthood. All the stages they go through in the meantime is their development process into adulthood.

To what extent does childhood development impact on your life?

Childhood development impacts on one's life very strongly. It helps you become aware of the priorities set when raising a child, and what you should learn.

What stage of prenatal development is when the child's organs have just begun the process of differentiation?

that is a dum thing

Do the Leapfrog toys help a child's mental development?

LeapFrog toys do help with a child's mental development. They encourage children to want to learn and use fun games to stimulate the natural curiosity of children.

What is meant by child growth and what are the main features of growth?

Every child is an individual.They grow develops at their own rate.Child development is a process every child goes through.This process involves learning and mastering skills like sitting,walking,talking,skipping and tying shoes.Children learn these skills,called Developmental Milestone,during predictable time periods.main features:cognitive development,social and emotional development,speech and language development,fine motor skill development and gross motor skill development

What is child centered curriculum?

A child-centered curriculum is an approach to education that places the interests and needs of the child at the forefront of the learning process. It emphasizes active and hands-on learning experiences, individualized instruction, and a focus on the child's social, emotional, and cognitive development. This approach values children as unique individuals and seeks to foster their natural curiosity, creativity, and love of learning.

What does child development mean?

it means the development of a child

How does daycare affect a child's development?

it does not affect a child's development.

Is childhood education and child development the same thing?

No, childhood education refers to the formal instruction and learning experiences provided to children in schools or educational settings, while child development is the process through which children grow and mature physically, emotionally, socially, and cognitively. Childhood education can influence and support child development, but they are not the same thing.

What can you do with a child development major?

With a child development major you can become a children's physician, or a child psycologist