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Q: To what extent should all adults in a school be role models?
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to what extent should they be treated as adults

Reasons why celebrities should be role models?

Because American Teenagers and Adults hang on every word they say.

Should teachers be involved in the character development of students or does this infringe on the rights of parents?

All adults who have a close family/working link with children should naturally help them develop as a human being. With less role models for children at least at school they have some people to look up to and be inspired.

Why should school sell junk food?

1. It could make children and adults overweight or obese

Do adults know how to do a kids homework?

It depends on how well they did in school when they were kids. Most adults should be able to help you with your homework, but some might not if they were really poor students.

Legally should there be 2 adults in each Sunday school room?

There is no law requiring it. However, it is a good policy to have at least two adults in a room and most churches require it.

Why should school canteens sell junk food?

1. It could make children and adults overweight or obese

Do you go to school if you have paranoia?

School aside, your first priority should be your mental wellbeing—talk to your parents, school counselors, or other trusted adults to see how you can best address your worries.

Why should the driving age in Colorado be lowered?

because it is a great way for young adults to drive them to school and other places

Should a middle school player be able to argue with referee?

no, he/she is a child playing a game and the referees are the adults guiding the game.

Why should a man wear a shirt around a child?

It's about modesty. Men (and women) are role models for children. They do what they see (not what you tell them to do). I, personally, think any type of nudity should be confined to adults in a private setting.

What should you do if there is a bully problem at school and adults do nothing about it?

Phone the police. If you have been given verbal threats of violence or have been assaulted they have to deal with it.