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In the United States, there are government programs in place to help homeowners avoid foreclosure on their home. Some of these programs can help to lower monthly mortgage payments and interest rates. The USA Government website is an excellent source of information for someone facing foreclosure.

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Q: To whom would one go for advice regarding a home foreclosure?
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What are the laws regarding bank seizure of a home in foreclosure?

Every state has different rules regarding what a bank can do to a homeowner in foreclosure. In most states it is not a matter before the court, so there is little control over what they do. has state-by-state info that may help you.

Where can I find an online site to help me prevent a bank foreclosure on my home?

The best place to go for advice on this issue is the official government website Here you can find all the information you need to avoid this.

What is a pre foreclosure?

A pre-foreclosure property has a delinquent loan and the owner is in imminent danger of losing his home due to foreclosure. His property has been listed as delinquent and will soon be taken into the custody of the lender. Buyers may be able to obtain a pre-foreclosure for 40 percent less than the home's market value, and the deal would close quicker than would a foreclosure.

How can I stop foreclosure on my home?

Whether you can stop foreclouse on your home depends on many factors. If you should be unsucessful in attempting to lower your monthly payment, then seeking the advice of a lawyer is your best option.

During a home foreclosure is a llc business at risk?

I am not an attorney and I cannot give legal advice. Please seek professional legal advice from a competent professional. I believe that an LLC located within a home being foreclosed upon would not be at risk other than needing to relocate. However, there may be more to consider that I am not aware of.

Why would a homeowner need to hire a foreclosure attorney?

A homeowner may need to hire a foreclosure attorney if they are being foreclosed upon by the bank or lender, or person who provided the mortgage. If a person owes more on his home than the home is worth, the bank may try to foreclose on the home, in which case, one would need a foreclosure attorney.

Can home be refinanced after foreclosure with new bank?

Yes, although technically it would not be "refinanced" but rather "financed" because the foreclosure ended the earlier financing.

Can you rent out your home while home is in foreclosure?

Yes you can, but in most states you have to tell the potential tenant about this foreclosure.

Where can you find help with our home foreclosure?

There's plenty of ways to help with your home foreclosure. If you really would need to stick to it, you should apply for loans everywhere or just temporary have someone rent the house.

How do you stop or postpone foreclosure?

There are several ways to stop foreclosure. Following are the most common ways: 1- Apply for a home loan modification 2- Sell your home using the short sale process 3- File Bankruptcy 4- File an emergency bankruptcy 5- Hire a company to legally stop and postopne the foreclosure sale by challenging the trustee about the legitimacy of the foreclosure process. Ulitmately, always seek the advice of an attorney, credit, and tax professional before you decide what avenue to take to avoid foreclosure.

Can a second mortgage put your home in foreclosure?

Yes, any unpaid mortgage can put your home in jeopardy of foreclosure.

In California what is the time limit for moving out of a foreclosure?

what is the time for foreclosure on a home in california?