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Q: Tobacco smoke contains chemicals which make cells divide too much and a serious disease may occur?
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Chemicals in tobacco?

tobacco has a very addictive drug called nicotine. Nicotine is a stimulant that has many side affects. Not only that but tobacco has other bad components such as tar that can line the lungs when burned and smoked.

What are the harmful effects of tobacco?

Chewing tobacco contains the drug nicotine, which is proven to be very addicting. Other side effects include minor nuisances like bad breath, yellow teeth, frequent salivation, but can also lead to more serious conditions like gum disease and mouth/throat cancer.

Tobacco smoke paralyzes and kills?

Tobacco smoke contains harmful chemicals that can paralyze the cilia in the respiratory tract, impairing their ability to clear mucus and particles. Over time, this can lead to a buildup of toxins and increase the risk of respiratory infections and diseases, ultimately leading to serious health complications or even death. It is important to avoid exposure to tobacco smoke to protect your respiratory health.

How serious is nicotine dependence?

Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known, and one of the most difficult addictions to "kick." Tobacco use causes cancer, lung and heart disease, and birth defects.You will have to decide for yourself how serious that is.

Is thyroid disease serious?

Yes very serious!

How is the surface area of the alveoli affected by smoking?

When you smoke, the tissue of the lungs receive damage, impeding them from functioning properly. Smoking also increases your risk of serious health issues. Some examples include: lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and emphysema. Upon your very first puff, immediate damage to the lungs begins. Every puff of cigarette smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals.1 When you inhale, the smoke hits your lungs almost instantly. The blood then carries these toxic chemicals throughout the body. Tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide, a deadly gas that then displaces the oxygen in your blood. This deprives all your organs of needed oxygen. Cigarettes also include acrolein. This chemical causes lung damage and a sore throat. Cigarettes may also contain bronchodilators. These chemicals are meant to open up the airways of the lungs. They also can increase the amount of dangerous chemicals absorbed by the lungs.

How serious is Bill Clinton's Parkinson's disease?

He doesnt have Parkinson's Disease.

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it can be

Serious bacterial lung disease?

Tuberculosis (TB)

The most serious forms of heart disease is?

Coronary Heart Disease

What treatment is there to Addison's disease?

Addison's Disease is a very serious disease that is also known as hypoadrenocorticism.