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Too much salt can cause high blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause Heart disease and other health problems.
The recommended daily intake for salt is 2,5-5 g; too much salt in the diet is considered now as a cause of high arterial pressure.

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What are the causes of eating too much salt?

Are you stupid? Eating too much salt is caused by eating salty foods..

What are the causes for kidney failure?

When you eat too much salt and drink too much sugar

What causes a taste bud to go white?

I think it's from too much salt

Can a sea have too much salt?

Yes, it can. To much salt build up causes damage in crops because they go to the crops. lots of love and kisses sexybabe

Does the salt in sunflower seeds make you fat?

The salt wouldn't make you fat BUT it causes water retention. Too much salt= dehydration = your face will LOOK fatter from the water that your body will store in your face .

What is the causes of heart diseases?

the main ones are:- obesity- having a high cholesterol (get by eating too much salt and saturated fat

Why does too much salt cause an increase in weight?

Salt does not cause your body to gain or lose fat. If you have high consumptions of salt then it will only result in your body temporariley gsining weight as it causes your body to retain water

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There is too much salt, no salt at all or some eggs died. But if there is too much or too little salt it doesn't mean the eggs aren't viable.

What are some causes that can lead to diabetes?

to much salt

Is there too much salt in the dead sea too drown?

There is so much salt in the water of the dead sea that you do not sink when in the water.

Too much salt in the chowder What do I do?

heat the chowder and the salt will disolve

Does too much Miraclegro kill plants?

According to other websites with research I've found that it can basically it causes a salt build up in the plant and the plant uses its energy trying to expell the salt instead of growing and it dies. Basically causes a self destruct.