

Tooth taken out gives pain when you eat cold ice cream?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Don't eat cold ice cream

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Q: Tooth taken out gives pain when you eat cold ice cream?
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Why does eating ice cream too fast cause tooth pain?

because ice cream is cold in its solid form . its so cold that it makes your tooth nerves uneasy. also, if you're eating it fast, the temperature of your mouth decreases .

What happens if you don't fix a chipped tooth?

Nothing, but it will be sensitive to cold foods like ice cream, ice cold water, ect. I know because I also have a chipped tooth.

Why does ice cream make us ill?

Because it is cold which gives us sore throats etc

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cold cream

Can sensodyne tooth paste help get rid of cold sores?

Tooth paste doesn't really do any thing for cold sores, it doesn't have any antiviral properties which helps heal cold sores. The tooth paste may help sooth the symptoms, but it may take a while for the cold sore to go away. The best way to clear up a cold sore is to use Abreva or over the counter cold sore cream.

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add ice-cream cold cold cold ice cream

What is found in a restroom that starts with c?

* comb * cotton balls * curling iron * conditioner * cold cream * candles * cleaning supplies * curlers * Crest tooth paste * Cepocol mouth wash * cologne * concealer (makeup) * cold medicine * cough drops * cleansing cream * Clearasil * cotton swabs

Can you drink milk after having a tooth pulled?

Oh yes!! Ice cream is your friend when you have your teeth pulled out! You need to have cold foods like ice cream and popcicles and yogurt and stuff like that.

In which stores do you buy cold cream?

every store that has a fridge with cold cream in it!

Is cookies ice cream are cold dessert?

It's an ice cream flavor so it's served cold

What is the similes of as cold as ice?

the ice cream is as cold as ice

Why is a ice cream cold?

because it is frozen!! ice ice cream