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Q: Touissant L'Ouverture hoped to free Haiti from European control by taking advantage of the revolution in the country which ruled Haiti. Which European country controlled Haiti?
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What kind of government did France have after the French Revolution?

From 1795 until 1799 (so still during the revolution) there was a directory system. This system soon grew unpopular with the French citizens and Napoleon Bonaparte took advantage of the weak position the directory was in, and committed a coup (in 17899, and with this he ended the French Revolution). He eventually crowned himself emperor and made France into an Empire.

How did Stalin use the Pravda?

Stalin had control over what was published in the Pravda during the Russian revolution and used it to his advantage. He published articles that would persuade the citizens to see things his way.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a settler in the Neolithic Revolution?

The people alive in this time in history had been hunters and gatherers so to settle in one place with other people was a very real advantage for man. With this they were able to have protection, grow food that could be traded, create government, religion, and art.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the french revolution?

The French Revolution effectively ended the royal monarchies that dominated France for centuries. Sadly this was done in a brutal and bloodthirsty manner. Many innocent people were executed. One clear negative, in terms of "democracy" was the vacuum filled by Napoleon. He was not a "royal" leader, however, dissent was not one of his priorities. He ruled as an emperor and as France's general in chief. He is one one the most controversial figures in the 19th century.

How did the Bolsheviks take power in Russia?

During the 'Revolution of 1917' in Russia, the 'Bolsheviks' (or, Communists) took power through a combination of methods and actions. As just one example, they were very well organized and zealously committed to their cause, which could not be said of the majority of their enemies in the revolution. As another, they took advantage of the wide-spread peasant resentment against the ruling dynasty of Russia to increase their strength considerably.

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