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5h ago

People in Visayan are known for being warm, hospitable, and family-oriented. They often practice strong community ties, celebrations, and festivals. Visayans also have a unique culinary heritage with dishes like lechon, batchoy, and piaya being popular in the region.

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Q: Traits and practices of people in visayan?
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The spread of cultural traits from one society to another?

Cultural diffusion is the process by which cultural traits, such as beliefs, practices, and customs, spread from one society to another. This can occur through various means, such as trade, migration, conquest, or communication. The exchange of ideas and practices can lead to cultural enrichment, innovation, and diversity within societies.

How would eugenics work in creating a new breed of people?

Physical characteristics are caused by genes, which are passed from parents to children. Eugenics would work by encouraging those with traits deemed "superior" to have children while limiting those with "inferior" traits. This would cause the "bad" traits to die out and the "good" traits to flourish, creating "better" people. Many of the words above are in quotes because they are the flaw in eugenics. Namely, this flaw is the assumption that some traits are better than others. This is incorrect, however. Different physical traits are just that, different, and are not in any way better than others.

What type of traits exits?

what types of traits are there what types of traits are there

What can be passed from one generation to the next generation?

Traits, genetic information, knowledge, cultural practices, values, and beliefs can all be passed from one generation to the next. These elements contribute to the shaping of an individual's characteristics and identity.

List the types of traits that exist?

There are physical traits, such as hair or eye color, and behavioral traits, like shyness or aggressiveness. Additionally, there are inherited traits, which are passed down from parents, and acquired traits, which are learned or developed through experiences.

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What are the characteristics of Visayan people?

The Visayan people are native to the Philippines. Characteristics of them include being family oriented, as well as being deeply religious and a brave people.

Where did Visayans come from?

visayan people came from the philippines......

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In the Visayan creation myth, the first man is Sikalak and the first woman is Sikabay. They emerged from a bamboo stalk and became the ancestors of the Visayan people.

How do you say grandma is visayan?

"Grandma" in Visayan is "Lola."

When was Visayan Broadbill created?

Visayan Broadbill was created in 1890.

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What is lagda in visayan?

"Lagda" in Visayan typically means "invite" or "invitation."

When was Northwestern Visayan Colleges created?

Northwestern Visayan Colleges was created in 1948.

When was Visayan Spotted Deer created?

Visayan Spotted Deer was created in 1870.

When was Visayan leopard cat created?

Visayan leopard cat was created in 1997.

When was Visayan Forum Foundation created?

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What is the origin of visayan folksongs?

Visayan folksongs originated from the Visayas region in the Philippines. They are often influenced by a mix of cultural traditions, including indigenous beliefs, Spanish colonization, and Chinese migration. These folksongs are a way for Visayan people to express their emotions, stories, and cultural heritage through music and lyrics.