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Q: Transplanted organs may be rejected in the type of immune response called?
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What is it called when a transplanted organ is attacked by the body's immune system?

Transpalntation Rejection

Why are transplanted organs often rejected by the person that receives them?

i think it is because they have a different blood type that wont work in their body

The foreign or nonself proteins that trigger immune responses are called?

An immune response is based on the ability to distinguish molecules that are part of the body ("self") from those that are not ("nonself," or foreign). Such molecules that can elicit an immune response are called antigens.

What is mounting an excessive immune response to a harmless antigen called?


What characteristics does an abnormal kidney transplantation have?

A transplanted kidney may be rejected by the patient. Rejection occurs when the patient's immune system recognizes the new kidney as a foreign body and attacks the kidney. It may occur soon after transplantation, or.

What is the difference between the innate immune response and the acquired immune response?

An innate immune response is something that you are born with, while an acquired immune response is something that your body gains throughout life...

When the body recognizes a relatively harmless substance as a dangerous antigen and mounts an immune response this response is called what?


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How do doctors use the immune response to protect us from disease?

The take a shot gun and shoot you into pieces.

What is it called when the immune response is weaken reduced absent or not functioning properly?

It would be a compromised immune system.

What does tissue rejection mean?

after a graft or transplant, the immune response of the recipient to foreign tissue cells, with production of antibodies and eventually destruction of the transplanted organ. acute rejection , acute cellular rejection , cellular rejection.

Which part of a specifics immune response?

Looking for antigens is part of a specific immune response.