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Usually community fish are the most active and they school together swimming back and forth throughout the tank. Stay away from the bigger fish who have a tendency to look for hiding places.

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12y ago

We had Zebra Danios that swam at the top, the Tetras swam in the middle and Clown Loaches hang out at the bottom which made for a full looking and active tank.

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Q: Tropical fish that swim in the middle of the tank?
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How do you get fish to swimin the middle of tank?

Different types of fish swim in different layers of the water. Top floaters, bottom dwellers and middle swimmers.

How do you start a tropical fish tank?

U buy tropical fish and get a background and then that is how u can do that

Is well water good for tropical fish tank?

no tropical fish need warm water

Can you keep a regal tang in a tropical tank?

No. Not in the traditional definition of the tropical tank. A tropical tank is a freshwater aquarium. Regal Tangs are saltwater fish and go in a saltwater tank (marine aquarium).

Can you have a red tailed shark in a tropical fish tank?

why not

How do fish play?

they swim around the tank continuisley

If i put aCrab in a tropical fish tank what will it eat?

Probably the fish. I would not put a crab in a tank with tropical fish unless they were a LOT bigger than it was, and it was not going to grow any larger.

What sort of tank should you use for tropical fish?

Use a tropical fish tank, preferably new. That way you know that it should not leak. Try to avoid using a tank that was used for something other than tropical fish. I prefer glass tanks over acrylic because they are less likely to mark or look dirty and they are easier to keep clean. Most aquarists will tell you to start off with a small tank and as you enjoy it more and more, you can opt a larger tank. When I started into tropical fish and as I bought larger tanks I used the smaller tank for breeding. Tropical fish tanks and supplies are available in most pet stores that sell tropical fish.

What are supplies needed for 5 gallon fish tank?

Water,the fish tank,and alot of room so the fish can have room to swim around in.

Why do fish usually sink to the bottom of the tank?

If the fish is dead it may sink. Otherwise a fish can go anywhere in the tank by using its swim bladder. If the fish seems to be struggling to get to the surface, the fishes swim bladder is damaged and the fish should be euthanased.

How do you get out of the fish tank on Shrink Ray island?

swim up

Do you have to have a lite for a fish?

if you have a tropical fish or a filtered tank than yes you do need a light